About Us

With our PublisherPro services:

We are client-driven

Our services, our approach and our continued success is built on understanding the full range of needs of both Publishers and advertisers across all devices,

We are not an ad network

We are Industry experts, connectors, communicators and facilitators that generate a maximum yield for our partners with immersive advertising experiences. We are a direct-to-publisher operation.
We provide full monetization services and integrated audiovisual experiences into your potential monetization toolkit for medium - large organizations.

We are a transparent and technologically-driven operation that utilizes AI to drive our customers to the next level.

Via our products we allow our partners to gain successful engagement rates from their user base.

Itay Rubinstein

Tech entrepreneur and founder of 9dots, Itay Rubinstein strongly believes in breaking barriers in technological innovations. With high achievements, solid expertise and a broad network, Itay has previously led his own video team to high revenue results and ROI.
Before founding 9dots, he gained international experience in the startup and ad tech ecosystem after having studied communication and management followed with MBA in the College of Management Academic Studies.

Itay Rubinstein

Tech entrepreneur and founder of 9dots, Itay Rubinstein strongly believes in breaking barriers in technological innovations. With high achievements, solid expertise and a broad network, Itay has previously led his own video team to high revenue results and ROI.

Before founding 9dots, he gained international experience in the startup and ad tech ecosystem after having studied communication and management followed with MBA in the College of Management Academic Studies.